Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chapter 4: The Monad

In Eons primeval
E'er worlds were born
Two monads coeval
One peace and one storm
Sought each for the other 
Through infinite space.

For ages through ages each was impelled
Now forward, now backward; balance was held:
At last, through an impulse of furious storm,
Peace overcame balance, and matter was born.

After those monads met in embrace
A tremendous motion thrilled infinite space.
From everywhere atoms of peace and storm
Joined the primordials--the first world was born.

--Emma R. Endres, Evolution of God and Apotheosis of Man (1896)

DR. STRANGE: Hey, Eternity.  Good to see you again.

ETERNITY: Greetings, Sorcerer Supreme.  I presume you have summoned me to address the infant in Hulk's possession.  You guys are in deep crap.  Hell, we could all be in deep crap. 

SILVER SURFER: So then it's true.  The baby is...a Monad.

ETERNITY: Not a Monad, Norrin Radd; the Monad.  The one.  

HULK: Hulk get it.  Like Highlander.

ETERNITY: Um...not exactly. 

NAMOR: The Monad?  You mean this baby isn't just like, a god, but is like, the god of all gods?

DR. STRANGE: If only it were that simple.  Gods can be killed...or forgotten.  The Monad is--well, you better tell 'em, E.

ETERNITYThe Monad is what was at the beginning of all.  It is not a god, nor is it merely the pinnacle of evolution.  This Monad was created, and  to fulfill the measure of its creation, must undo all that is in order to do all that must be.

NAMOR: Okay.  I'm totally lost.

SILVER SURFER: Earth scientists refer to it as "The Big Crunch."  It's theorized to have been the cataclysmic event that preceded The Big Bang.  Big G told me all about it once after I talked him out of eating Centauri-4.

DR. STRANGE: This baby--this Monad, will initiate another Big Crunch.  It is the beginning of the end of existence as we know it!

HULK: Why crap like this always happen to Hulk? 

ETERNITY: Look, I really hope it all works out, but to be perfectly honest, I think you're all screwed.  Listen, I gotta go; the Living Tribunal's  probably going to be pissed I've told you as much as I have.  Smell you guys later!

NAMOR: Well, since this little pickle affects us all and not just you surface dwellers, I guess I'll help.  But what can we do?

DR. STRANGE: I don't know that we can do anything, Namor.  But we must try. I have an idea...but first, I must consult...the Orb of Agamotto!


MOLE MAN: I've come, as you requested, Victor.  Be quick, however, as I have no desire to remain on the surface.

DR. DOOM: God, Mole Man.  To the Moloids, you are more than a mere god.  You are God, no?

MOLE MAN: I suppose, Victor.  In a way.  But, I mean...they're mole people, so you know, it's not that great.

DR. DOOM: Still, I can only imagine what that must be like.  The devotion.  The admiration.  The power!

DR. DOOM: Mankind is weak.  The entire human race is dependent upon the existence of gods, whether real or not.  Humans rely on the existence of something divine to give them purpose.  Something to give them direction.  A reason to be!

DR. DOOM: To be that purpose, Mole Man--better yet, to control the need for that purpose...that is absolute power!

MOLE MAN: Yeah.  Yeah, I guess so.  But trust me, it would be way cooler if you could do it without, you know, looking like a blind rat.

DR. DOOM: Oh, quit bitching.  I've got a mask melted to my face, and that ain't all that great either.  But listen.  you help me with my latest plan, and I'll make you the god of this whole planet.

MOLE MAN: Sounds good, I guess.  But what's in it for you?

DR. DOOM: You will rule the Earth, Mole Man...but I will rule...the UNIVERSE!



  1. I don't know if its cuz its new, or the premise began on such a whim, but I'm totally digging your Marvel stuff over the Joes right now. Is it cuz the Marvel Universe is cooler? Your guys are awesome...

  2. I'm having so much more fun with this one. I'll go back to GI Joe if only because I owe it to Bazooka, whose existential journey I promised to tell. But the story of the Monad is burning me like fire to be told through my action figures.
